Sunday 11 December 2011

10 model English

I .Answer all questions 15 x 1 =15
1.A fruit develops from a single flower with multicarpellary, apocarpous, superior ovary
is (Aggregate fruit, composite fruit, simple fruit, multiple fruit)
2.Which of the following constitute a food chain { (Grass, Wheat, Mango), (Grass, goat
and Human),(Goat, cow and elephant),(Grass, fish and goat)}
3.Somatic genetheraphy does ( affect the sperm, affect the egg, affect the progency,
affect body cell)
4.Pick out the bacterial disease( Meningities, Rabies, Tetanus, Small pox)
5.Mammal’s main excretory product is (Ammonia, Uric acid, Urea, Sodium)
6.When sunlight passes through the window of your house, the dust particles scatter the
light making the path of the light visible. This phenomenon is called as (Brownian
motion , tyndall effect, Raman Effect , uniform motion)
7.2KClO3 --------- 2KCl + 3O2 In this chemical reaction MnO2 acts as
(reactant, product , catalyst, promoter)
8.Number of groups in modern periodic table is --------------- (7,17,18,8)
9.An amalgam is an alloy of metal with ( carbon, mercury, hydrogen, gold)
10.The saturated hydrocarbons form homologous series with the general formula
CnH2n+2. The formula of the second member in this series is (C2H2, C2H6,C2H4,C2H8)
11.Light year is the unit of …………………. (time, light intensity, distance, mass)
12.Mass of an object in 10 Kg. What is its weight on the earth (w=mg, g=9.8m/s2 )
(49 N, 25 N, 98 N, 100 N)

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